Surfside Champlain Towers Building Collapse - Victim

Surfside Champlain Towers Condominium Building Collapse Leaves Unanswered Questions

My name is Brandon Stein. I’m the owner and founder of SteinLaw. The events that transpired earlier this morning in Surfside at the Champlain Tower are tragic and unexpected in an effort to help reunify the families with their loved ones that have been affected by this tragedy, the city of Miami, as well as the Miami-Dade County Fire Rescue Department, has set up a reunification hotline for families to call. That number for reference is 305-614-1819 To find out more about how we may be able to assist with any injuries associated with this Miami condo collapse, contact SteinLaw today by filling out our free case evaluation form or calling 877-783-4652

For more information on the Surfside Champlain Tower condo collapse, please read our blog


Brandon Stein

Chief Executive Officer

Brandon Stein is a Florida based trial attorney born in Queens, New York, and was raised in East Brunswick, New Jersey. Being the son of an accountant that owns a large firm in New Jersey, owning and operating a business is something that was engrained within Brandon Stein from a very young age...[READ BIO]

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